
Showing posts from 2015

Theme of Blog Change from Philosophical to My Life

As readers of this blog may know by now I have a rare physical medical condition, which has given me a unique perspective to how we live our lives and what I believe is important.  When I reflect, I've realized that I write with the goal of having a conversation. And, I understand that me writing about philosophy, is one sided. I have made the decision to write about my life, and hopefully you will form your own opinions and converse with me.  Right now the major aspects/goals I have are: connecting with a woman, finding a job: while I'm an entrepreneur at heart, I cannot put the energy forth needed to start and run a business, following my love of sports, and remaining active in my physical pursuits. While I write, I hope you will share your thoughts, opinions, goals, and inner thoughts with me. I will not share your information with anyone unless you ask me too. Also, I love to read, watch movies, and learn about new ideas so please share them with me.  Let's start ...

Making Real Change the Name of Your Game

We all want it, say it, talk about doing it, know we have the power to do it, but ultimately, what do we do, we wait.  Yes, I'm talking about making a change in our lives, the kind of change that lasts.  For me, it really hit home while I was in Lake Tahoe this past July.  The birds were chirping, the air was fresh, and I couldn't be happier. And then I began to think, why is this?  Well, as the saying goes, "the early bird gets the worm."  While this might be true for some (I'm in this mix), there are other animals who roam the Tahoe night, though much fewer of them. So how does a human such as myself see more of the day; Go to sleep earlier, right? Well, it's a lot easier said than done. You have to begin with changing your daily and evening habits. Keep a sleep journal and identify what your sleep need is in terms of hours. Next, it's time to define when you do your best work, exercise, reading, relaxing, meditating and so on. The idea here is, once y...

Vocabulary in Our Inner Dialogue

The term "Bucket List" has been adopted by the general public as things we do before we die. If one kicks the bucket, that means he or she dies. So, how negative is this term? Why would anyone want to be thinking about death? It is probably the top fear we all have.  Let's eliminate it from our vocabulary. My friend mentioned that he wants to drive a Ferrari before he dies. Well, it's on his "bucket list." If I could change his or anyones internal thought process it would be something like this. "I will find an owner of a Ferrari in the next 6 months and find a way to drive the car."  We shouldn't have bucket lists. I also never understand why we want to know what others do for an occupation. To me, it's important to know their interests. Do we have anything in common? A simple smile, hand shake and good eye contact separates those I immediately like from those who aren't worth talking to. A great t-shirt, hat, or haircut will certa...

The Meaning of Questions

All of us seem to have a need for limitless information. If we don't know the answer to a question we immediately go to Google. And, who is the most guilty of this? It's easy for me to jump on the media, and I will. To me, questions should be asked for the sake of acquiring information that is necessary for present or future factual reporting. This includes writing down medications one takes, family members for estate planning, historic questions, and many many more. The problem is, that we all seem to act as experts even if we have no training. I am guilty, as everyone else. For example, why are gossip magazines, meaningless blogs (does mine fall into that cateragory), and countless Online Journals popping up all over the Internet? The object of a question is to get an answer, right? Well, what if you were blatantly lied to all the time? I don't think we could live in such a society as it would create anarchy. On Wednesday of this week I took a fall and face-planted on...

What's Energizes You?

I can tell you that anyone who is going to be a part of, or already in my family, loves food and large family get-togethers.  For my parents it's a way of keeping our Jewish culture alive and well. As an atheist/agnostic, deist Jew, it's just the way things are. When my sister-in-law was first introduced as my brother's girlfriend, she was inundated with family events. She didn't handle it. I view that as a passive aggressive term for getting by, but embraced everything. I am the luckiest guy in the world because I look at her with the same love as I would a sister. And, I only have a biological brother. What a champion she is! Our family is so close to each other, and so large that I don't even bother explaining how I'm related to someone I just meet anymore. If I don't recognize someone, I just proclaim "welcome to the family."  It's the truth. We make excuses to get together. Why not? If I am in the area I'll stop by someone's hous...

Lessons From Our Elders

On Monday afternoon I attended a funeral of a non-related family member.  There was so much I learned from this one funeral. Perhaps, it's because I have been to so many funerals of late and perhaps it was about all who gathered to remember this woman. As the lady who passed was a death-camp surviver, I know that there are increasingly few of these people alive and well to pass along the horrific tragedy's of the Holocaust. Seek counsel and advise from those with more life experience in all walks of life. A touching eulogy of his grandmother was given by my brother's best friend and the deceased grandson. He recalled all the times he visited her at her home in LA that she would make sure he had something to eat, no matter what! That theme was echoed through out a few of the eulogies. What probably most important to my brother and my friend is how his grandma introduced his parents to his wife-to-be. They both work at they same hospital?  Whichever religion you practi...

Put in the Effort Now. It Will Pay Off in the Long Run

The unexpected is to be expected. Especially, in todays gadget filled world where apps of all kinds dominate imaginations and computers, yes computers, are becoming obsolete. You must focus on what is important to you. There will be plenty of distractions that get in your way.   Too many people think day trading on the stock market is a profession for anyone. After all almost all stocks went up in the past couple of years.  I might point out 2008 as a warning to these individuals. Do your research before investing; take an investment class, read company's financial, accounting and cash flow statements. If you don't understand something, is it really a good idea to throw your money at that company. That's gambling.  You can find plenty of free information on   The idea is like most things, do your homework before making any financial decisions. With relationships, I don't know many people who get this one wrong. Experience teaches you wha...

Make a Decision and stick with it!

As I watch the successful people in my life, those with a wonderful family/financial balance, I find a common theme among them.  Whether they are Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Atheist or Agnostic, they all know how to make decisions in their lives. More importantly, once these decisions are made they stick with them. My father has been with the same law firm for more than 25 years. My uncle Jack has been with Lockheed Martin for as long as I can remember, and my closest friend is following in his father's footsteps as a commercial real estate mogul. Most articles and head hunters will urge you to jump from job to job. I plead with you to look in the mirror and don't just think about the money at a new job. Money comes because of hard work and stick-to-it of ness. Do what you love and stick with it. In Richard Branson's "Losing my Virginity" he says, "A business has to be involving: It has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instinc...

When Definitions Matter.

In my first post, I mentioned that I have a chronic, debilitating progressive neurological disease with the acronym MERRF. While I see 2 very smart and trustworthy specialists for the condition their opinion of how I'm doing versus mine are stark.  The problem for me is that they get a snapshot of me ever 6 months or so and I have an inner conversation multiple times a day. To hear the latest news "you're doing great" is not how I feel at all. My posts are generally not about me, this time however I'd like your input. Please email me with the subject WHEN DEFINITION MATTERS AT DBARSOOK@GMAIL.COM.   I'd Like to Know What You're Going Through.

Living for the Moment

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today." This ancient Chinese Proverb speaks volumes to me. The first time I heard the proverb I was in the car and I got the goose bumps.  There are 2 primary lessons we can draw. One, it is never too late to create beauty in the world. And, two, take hold of your own life and make the necessary changes to succeed whether that be spiritual, financial, or familial.  Today is so beautiful and those who make the most of each moment are the happiest and most well-off. All we can do is make the most out of each moment we have. If you plan your 2, 5, 10, and 20 year goals in life you only set yourself up for worry and anxiety. Let's control the present. I do think that everyone needs to set career goals or markers, but all you can really control is the here and now.  I have come to learn from my father that one shouldn't stress over uncontrollable circumstances.  Seek information from those in your ...


Each of us has to enjoy our days or we will not succeed. But, before taking a job, starting a new business, deciding to become a day trader, salesperson or whatever endeavor you set out for, it is of paramount importance for you to understand what makes you most happy. Do you crave a luxurious lifestyle, approval for a job well done, helping less fortunate individuals, or the physically / mentally handicapped? I know that I am a serial entrepreneur. In November 2014 my cousin's mom, also my cousin, was wearing a necklace and I remarked how nice it looked on her and the unusual pattern.  She mentioned that her son had maid it. The beginnings of a failed business was born. But, out of this we learned his talents are in computer design and logos, which we are currently pursuing.  I love the challenge of motivating an artist and running a business. I try not to complain. Rather, I seek advise when I don't have the answers. For me, it's not about the money. At least not f...

Great Relationships Get You Everywhere

Do you wonder how some people are so"lucky" and get all the great, wonderful jobs, while others are always struggling to just get by and don't seem to be blessed.  It's not by accident.  While most of us spend our weekends and time after work with our friends relaxing those top individuals are forging relationships by attending conferences that interest them, volunteering for extra projects at their current companies, waking up early each morning so they can accomplish more during the day, and arranging meetings with superiors and people they would like to have in their inner circle. They say, "it's not what you know but who you know." Your true connections are so important in establishing where you go / end up in life.  If you call "Bob Smith" will he immediately call you back or return your email. Can they call you? Life is not a one way street. If you want to read an excellent book on building relationships, I recommend "Never Eat A...

People Skills

How many of you reading this writing don't smile at or make small talk with your neighbors? Is it hard for you to understand the purpose of why you should get to know the names of the employees at your local pharmacy, a coffee shop you frequent more than once a week, or the cashiers' name at your local super market? There are a few reasons for doing so, and I'm not a preacher, nor a religious person, but I do no the importance of ethics and moral fortitude. I know karma is important. I DO NOT believe in karma because it implies that one expects to receive something for being good.  The number one skill successful individuals have is they don't expect anything. Success is hard work, period.  Nobody will hand you a large amount of money because you are a good person. The lesson is smile, be kind, go out of your way for others, in business and in life, and people are more likely to like you. There is a study out there that proves compassionate is contagious. Therefore,...

Love What You Do, Or Do Something New

As 2015 brings new opportunity and potential, we need to seize what is in front of us. What is the point of bringing home a paycheck if it doesn't represent joy, hard work, pride, and what you love?  Entrepreneurs speak of their "ah ha" moment, which is when they realize a gap in the market and how they will fill it with their product or service.  This moment must be a dream for them.  However, many individuals young and old don't have these similar feelings because they are so dedicated to doing what is expected. As the economy is thriving in the United States, now is one of the greatest opportunities to make a career transformation. Don't get me wrong. I don't advocate quitting your job until you find the opportunity of your life. Or perhaps, you have the financial fortitude to create it for yourself. I find myself with my close friends week after week, and all they can talk about is the same thing; How much they hate their job!!! I want to yell 2 things...