Great Relationships Get You Everywhere
Do you wonder how some people are so"lucky" and get all the great, wonderful jobs, while others are always struggling to just get by and don't seem to be blessed. It's not by accident. While most of us spend our weekends and time after work with our friends relaxing those top individuals are forging relationships by attending conferences that interest them, volunteering for extra projects at their current companies, waking up early each morning so they can accomplish more during the day, and arranging meetings with superiors and people they would like to have in their inner circle.
They say, "it's not what you know but who you know." Your true connections are so important in establishing where you go / end up in life. If you call "Bob Smith" will he immediately call you back or return your email. Can they call you? Life is not a one way street.
If you want to read an excellent book on building relationships, I recommend "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi.
They say, "it's not what you know but who you know." Your true connections are so important in establishing where you go / end up in life. If you call "Bob Smith" will he immediately call you back or return your email. Can they call you? Life is not a one way street.
If you want to read an excellent book on building relationships, I recommend "Never Eat Alone" by Keith Ferrazzi.
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