Lessons From Our Elders
On Monday afternoon I attended a funeral of a non-related family member. There was so much I learned from this one funeral. Perhaps, it's because I have been to so many funerals of late and perhaps it was about all who gathered to remember this woman. As the lady who passed was a death-camp surviver, I know that there are increasingly few of these people alive and well to pass along the horrific tragedy's of the Holocaust. Seek counsel and advise from those with more life experience in all walks of life.
A touching eulogy of his grandmother was given by my brother's best friend and the deceased grandson. He recalled all the times he visited her at her home in LA that she would make sure he had something to eat, no matter what! That theme was echoed through out a few of the eulogies. What probably most important to my brother and my friend is how his grandma introduced his parents to his wife-to-be. They both work at they same hospital?
Whichever religion you practice, or whether you believe in a higher power or not, it's important to learn and share your feelings with those you love while they are with you. There are countless studies that show humans crave approval from their teams. As a sports fan, one of my favorite speeches to listen to, and watch, is Jim Valvano's as he fought cancer. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special."
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