
Showing posts from 2014

Define Who You Are Today.

How you define yourself is important to self confidence, character, and your reputation among peers.  So who are you? Often that question will come about at a dinner party, a date, a networking event, or a a party. But, a definition comes in many forms. Some people define themselves by their religion (I am a Christian, Muslim, or Jew), while others may define themselves by their career (a business owner, CEO, company they work for), and others look at their loved ones (husband/father, aunt or uncle etc...) It's important to your confidence, self worth, and general well being to understand who you are. You might be reading this thinking that it's easy to place a definition on something without truly meaning it. So, how does one implement a goal he or she has been wanting to change about themselves.  The answer may be that you do it through habit. Now, what do I mean? First, you define who you need to do. And then take small actions. Looking at athletes and seeing great qual...

Define Your Happiness and Live It.

We hear countless stories of heroism, volunteer workers who love helping the poor, firemen and women, police officers. And, most of these professions do not make a tremendous salary. Therefore, we would have to conclude that they rush into these jobs knowing money is not an over riding factor of success in their careers. To them self sacrifice and the betterment of society is what's at stake. For C level people and others in the corporate world a lot of greenbacks in their bank account lure them into taking a job. And they stay on a career path because money is what makes that person happy, or so they think. The last kind of person I'd like to discuss is the creator, also known as an entrepreneur. Now this person sees a need that the market has not yet met and whether through desire to make money or to better society or maybe for both reasons. The key is to define which type of person you are and to make goals to that end.  For example if you're 18 years old and want to ...

Thankful For...

As I write, I am tired from a lack of sleep last night.  Why am I telling you that? As humans, our minds are hard wired to focus more on negativity than on positive outcomes. For example, if for example I am on a diet and consume a dessert that is way over my supposed calorie limit. I will be thinking about how 'bad' I was in eating that food rather than remembering the enjoyment of the flavor. And, the people who I was around while eating the dessert. In the financial markets does it hurt more when you gain 100% say going from 25k to 50k or losing 50%, which is 25k? It's one tough world we live in. Today, let's make a change. We can start by calling a friend who you haven't spoken to in a while and say Happy Thanksgiving and tell them that the have been an integral part of your life and Facebook and other social media do not count except to reconnect with people whose numbers you no longer have with you. Family is even better. One they are family. And, two your ...

Lessons Learned

This Blog was inspired by my grandfather in October when he suggested that I should write. As a family friend said to me, it was meant to happen. He lit the fire! It was up to me to decide what the subject material would be for the Blog. And, how my experiences could be of most value to my readers.  I find that the people who I look up to most excel at making the correct moral and ethical decisions.  Their religious and political backgrounds vary. But, the constant remains family, history, a thirst for learning and respect for their elders.  Though I come from a different generation, I strive for the same. This week has been an emotional roller coaster.  Knowing my grandfather was bed ridden I had to act happy for a surprise party for my 30th birthday. After visiting my grandpa Saturday afternoon my mom called me from my grandparents house on Sunday, I answered immediately but didn't want to. The funeral was Tuesday and I turned 30 Wednesday. I recall the w...

How We Live Our Lives

When a love one passes away we sit and reflect. We tell stories, remember, laugh and cry. But, what hospice professionals and others who take care of patients at the end of their lives will tell you is that it's really how you live that matters most.  Did you impact others in a positive way? Are you doing what you want to do professionally?  Do you have the right friends and the right circle that cares about your well-being. If any your answers were no, then you should reconsider what you're doing. I believe that every moment of our lives is of utmost importance. We cannot predict the future. All you can do is impact your present. It's so important to make sure you are doing what you love. Be with people you love, do things now and be in the present. The opposite is also true. If someone or something is bringing you down, get them out of your life.  This includes people, jobs, commutes, food, sex, drugs, alcohol and anything else you deem as toxic to your health. It i...

MERRF - and it's Positive Affects

If you've been following this blog for a while now, you know that I, Daniel Barsook, have a neurological condition that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. However, this disease has brought foresight in that I am able to see the world at a different angle, and hopefully provide all of you with some insight. One thing I value a lot is the relationships I have, have yet to harness, and the family members who love me without asking any questions. If you have the kind of large, close family that I do it is important that you show your appreciation. You need to cherish the vacations, road trips, camping adventures, and every experience you have with a close friend because you never know when things can change. I one of my closest friends the other day (I'm not good at long distance relationships of any kind) and was so happy to find out that he was studying for his MBA at Penn. With technology there is no excuse not to keep in touch with your closest friends if you or they mo...

How to Stay Ahead.

We all set goals for ourselves yet our approach and follow-through is often what keeps us from reaching our full potential.  As Albert Einstein famously said, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." I have noticed that I am guilty of this with online dating, my close friends are treading water in their job searches, and others are so caught up in their own lives they forget to check-in and pause a minute. First, we need to be dedicated to our cause. My friends often come to me for advice on job search. I want to know what is most important to them and least important. Is it location, salary, environment, vacation days, perks or what? Now, the same advice can be used in almost any facet of ones life. If we set priorities and follow through with them we can achieve our goals, but if we only think about them nothing is accomplished. Want to lose weight? Great. Tell me how are you going to do that? Want to...

What are you waiting for???

I do believe that my career, not working as my own boss, added to my desire to help others and see the value of relationship building and admitting when I don't know the answer. And, as a single guy, I read many many dating profiles about girls wanting to grow a business or thinking about when they'll have the money to travel. I don't believe in waiting for things to come to us. It is up to each and every one of us to take action for ourselves. I ask you what are you thinking about doing as a career, vacation, or something else. Take some sort of action to begin the process. You don't know what lies in the future and only you can decide your very own today, everyday!!! It's really about appreciating the small things in life. You might say "I love you to a partner or family member" wake up and smile knowing that others suffer from debilitating sleep disorders or pain that wakes them up throughout the night and you were able to sleep soundly th...

It's a New Month, New Opportunities!!!

November is here, and fall is here too. Even though I live in Los Angeles where there are virtually no seasons, autumn is my favorite. What's yours? The leaves will start to change color and it will even get slightly cooler. Beginnings of months are a great time to start something you've been putting off. Whether you want to lose 5 pounds by the end of the year by cutting soda out of your diet, begin a 30 minute daily cardio workout regimen, or spend more time with those you care about, today is a great time to start. Use tangible, small goals. For example, "I will walk around the park for 30 minutes this morning." Then do it the next day and the next until it becomes a habit. Some of you may need a walking partner and some may be more successful on your own.  Really the opportunities are your own and you thought of them. It's also important to remember or to write them down before falling asleep. If you have loved ones share your goals with them. That way you...

W. Clement Stone "Do It Now"

One of the maxims that jolts me to action is, "Do it Now." I first heard this wonderful expression when reading W. Clement Stone's "The Success System That Never Fails." Now he was a real man of action. When his father died Stone was only a child. Did he get depressed, down in spirits or give up? No. He did the opposite and decided to work extra hard and take action. He became a man at a young age. As he sold insurance policies door to door and then managed sales teams and franchises his company grew to one of the largest in the U.S. The point is that when you're down all too often we allow these feelings to linger. But this is exactly the time you need to remember to think positively. More important, take action. Do something you enjoy!!! You are great, you have potential to help others, be social, write, work on a business you've been wanting to start for some time, watch or play a sport, read a book, listen to your favorite comedian, just  "Do...

My Story!!!

When I was young, I grew up in the perfect neighborhood.  I had neighbors who loved to be outdoors as much as I did, and we played every sport (my passion) we could. My cousin, who I consider a best friend and a younger brother also lived close and played with us most of the time.  We would throw our bodies around playing hockey on roller blades, dive for baseballs in the empty lot next to my house, and swim during the summer. I had the best childhood anyone could ask for! Everything was great until I turned 15 or so. I was captain of my tennis team and loved baseball with the same vigor.  However, I began to notice that when I wanted to move quickly in a certain direction I would end up on the ground. It was like I blacked out and awakened a second later. As I made it through high school and into college at the University of Oregon my balance worsened, but what broke my heart was when I had to give up playing sports. Also, I could no longer go up and down stairs wi...