How to Stay Ahead.

We all set goals for ourselves yet our approach and follow-through is often what keeps us from reaching our full potential.  As Albert Einstein famously said, "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result." I have noticed that I am guilty of this with online dating, my close friends are treading water in their job searches, and others are so caught up in their own lives they forget to check-in and pause a minute.

First, we need to be dedicated to our cause. My friends often come to me for advice on job search. I want to know what is most important to them and least important. Is it location, salary, environment, vacation days, perks or what? Now, the same advice can be used in almost any facet of ones life. If we set priorities and follow through with them we can achieve our goals, but if we only think about them nothing is accomplished. Want to lose weight? Great. Tell me how are you going to do that? Want to have a new job next year? How are you going to do that? Get the idea?

There are millions of self-help books out there but they essentially all say the same thing, write down your goals and do them. Well nobody can make you do this. It's when the going is toughest that we find out who is a leader and who just drags along with the rest of society.


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