My Story!!!

When I was young, I grew up in the perfect neighborhood.  I had neighbors who loved to be outdoors as much as I did, and we played every sport (my passion) we could. My cousin, who I consider a best friend and a younger brother also lived close and played with us most of the time.  We would throw our bodies around playing hockey on roller blades, dive for baseballs in the empty lot next to my house, and swim during the summer.

I had the best childhood anyone could ask for!

Everything was great until I turned 15 or so. I was captain of my tennis team and loved baseball with the same vigor.  However, I began to notice that when I wanted to move quickly in a certain direction I would end up on the ground. It was like I blacked out and awakened a second later.

As I made it through high school and into college at the University of Oregon my balance worsened, but what broke my heart was when I had to give up playing sports. Also, I could no longer go up and down stairs without using a hand rail.

After I graduated from college my best friend and I suitcased through Europe. Even with my physical limitations, we walked everywhere and did everything we could!  He was a great friend!

A couple years after Europe, I was diagnosed with MERRF ( While I hope nobody who reads this ever gets the disease, it has provided me with a different lens to see the world through.

The lesson that I continue to learn because of my unfaltering support from my family, friends, doctors and others who care about my well being is that I couldn't control what hand I was dealt, but I can control what I do with it.

That is Me....Daniel Barsook, Who are you?


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