
I have a lot of frustrations in my life. Not being able to walk like a healthy person my age or enjoy social skills humans should. In addition, I am off balance both physically and emotionally almost all the time. Falling and not putting my hands down to brace my falls is one of my biggest complaints because nothing can be done.

I see 2 neurologists who prescribe medication, which is often trial and error because of the rare nature of my disease. In addition to my neurologists, I go to physical therapy every Monday, which is rather enjoyable actually. On Thursday's I see a mental health specialist. The other week I asked her what my disorder is called in her profession. She says it's Major Depressive Disorder. Hearing that put me in a bad mood because I've always been an outgoing person, and while I do have problems going out in society on a daily basis for a number of reasons.

Then there is Social Security. I have been denied from receiving benefits after their 'expert' doctors supposedly know more about my disease than my world renowned nuerologist. I have worked. And, I  have hired a lawyer but have been denied 3 times.

All these frustrations manifest on top of one another and make each one worse. It makes me think about negativity in life instead of all the good, which is just so annoying.


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