Compliment & Make it Sincere
Written from a male perspective:
* You're pretty
* Great body
* Get to know the person before paying them a compliment. A straight up compliment sends a pick up line message, whereas if you get to know the person you're going to compliment it sounds as if you are genuinely interested in them.
* It is human nature to seek and desire attention. Be the one who gives it to them.
* If you're around your family or friends don't interrupt their conversations, but find out what they are interested in.
* Make a point to know everybody's birthday you care about and call them on the day.
* If someone has beautiful red hair talk about how great their tennis game is and at a later date mention their hair.
* Your energy is so positive today, I love it.
* Introduce randome strangers who you've just met at social gatherings.
* Show that you are knowledgeable.
In life, it's important to be positive and to prove that you are to others. Your biggest perceived disadvantage is really an advantage. You have perspective others could only imagine. You see every situation as an opportunity for learning and growth!
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