
Showing posts from March, 2015

When Definitions Matter.

In my first post, I mentioned that I have a chronic, debilitating progressive neurological disease with the acronym MERRF. While I see 2 very smart and trustworthy specialists for the condition their opinion of how I'm doing versus mine are stark.  The problem for me is that they get a snapshot of me ever 6 months or so and I have an inner conversation multiple times a day. To hear the latest news "you're doing great" is not how I feel at all. My posts are generally not about me, this time however I'd like your input. Please email me with the subject WHEN DEFINITION MATTERS AT DBARSOOK@GMAIL.COM.   I'd Like to Know What You're Going Through.

Living for the Moment

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today." This ancient Chinese Proverb speaks volumes to me. The first time I heard the proverb I was in the car and I got the goose bumps.  There are 2 primary lessons we can draw. One, it is never too late to create beauty in the world. And, two, take hold of your own life and make the necessary changes to succeed whether that be spiritual, financial, or familial.  Today is so beautiful and those who make the most of each moment are the happiest and most well-off. All we can do is make the most out of each moment we have. If you plan your 2, 5, 10, and 20 year goals in life you only set yourself up for worry and anxiety. Let's control the present. I do think that everyone needs to set career goals or markers, but all you can really control is the here and now.  I have come to learn from my father that one shouldn't stress over uncontrollable circumstances.  Seek information from those in your ...


Each of us has to enjoy our days or we will not succeed. But, before taking a job, starting a new business, deciding to become a day trader, salesperson or whatever endeavor you set out for, it is of paramount importance for you to understand what makes you most happy. Do you crave a luxurious lifestyle, approval for a job well done, helping less fortunate individuals, or the physically / mentally handicapped? I know that I am a serial entrepreneur. In November 2014 my cousin's mom, also my cousin, was wearing a necklace and I remarked how nice it looked on her and the unusual pattern.  She mentioned that her son had maid it. The beginnings of a failed business was born. But, out of this we learned his talents are in computer design and logos, which we are currently pursuing.  I love the challenge of motivating an artist and running a business. I try not to complain. Rather, I seek advise when I don't have the answers. For me, it's not about the money. At least not f...