
Always Keep Granola Bars in My Car

I live in Los Angeles and there are lots of homeless people holding signs as you exit the freeway. Therefore, I hand out granola bars if I'm stopped.  The other day I gave a box of kind bars to a homeless veteran. He said to me "sir can I really have the whole box?" His gratitude made my entire week.


I have a lot of frustrations in my life. Not being able to walk like a healthy person my age or enjoy social skills humans should. In addition, I am off balance both physically and emotionally almost all the time. Falling and not putting my hands down to brace my falls is one of my biggest complaints because nothing can be done. I see 2 neurologists who prescribe medication, which is often trial and error because of the rare nature of my disease. In addition to my neurologists, I go to physical therapy every Monday, which is rather enjoyable actually. On Thursday's I see a mental health specialist. The other week I asked her what my disorder is called in her profession. She says it's Major Depressive Disorder. Hearing that put me in a bad mood because I've always been an outgoing person, and while I do have problems going out in society on a daily basis for a number of reasons. Then there is Social Security. I have been denied from receiving benefits after their 'ex...

Apartment Search

What do you look for in your ideal apartment? Is it size? Price? Perhaps, it's proximity to things to do. Well, I am looking for a new place and the reason is I feel stagnant in my current one. It's really spacious but I would trade size for a number of things. 1.  I'd like a newish building. With the recent hurricanes and earthquakes I know my current building would fall apart during a big earthquake. 2.  An elevator or ground floor apartment.  Having the medical condition MERRF is very difficult and I get frustrated that I'm on the 2nd floor and nobody tells me when or if the elevator isn't working. 3.  A decent looking apartment. I do spend a lot of time at home so I need an apartment that looks nice. 4. A garbage disposal and dishwasher. It's quite difficult for me to do fine motor tasks because of this chronic and progressive disease. Now it's your turn. I really would like to know what you look for in your living space...

I Fell and Went to the ER

On Monday September 4th, I was in the bathroom, groggy and my MERRF caused me to fall without putting my hands down. I slammed my head on the floor of my bathroom. Fortunately, I didn't hit my eye or head on the toilet bowl, sink or towel rack.  As I rose to my feet, and looked into the mirror, I noticed a gash on my upper left side of my head. So, I called my father and began to ice it. After icing and applying a cloth to the wound, the bleeding did not stop. Therefore, I called my father back and he drove me to the ER because I didn't know if I had a concussion or not. Though I needed four stitches, I didn't have a concussion. And, the ER said I did not have any restrictions for driving or otherwise. I am a very positive and outgoing person, yet I often wonder how much brain damage do I have.  Over time, I have suffered a few massive head injuries, which were diagnosed as concussions.  Do you have something that you think about often?  

Vacation - Boy Did I Need That

There's a saying, and it's no cliche. "You only live once." I am 32 and losing a battle to a mitochondrial disease, MERRF. I have come to realize that I shouldn't feel guilty about an occasional ask.  I had visited Oslo, Norway before as well as much of Southern England, but those regions are beautiful and I wanted to see the Fjords in Norway as natural beauty is my calling. One day, my parents and I were in their family room and I asked them if we could take a trip together. I think they could tell I was nervous because I like to be independent. My family and I landed in Heathrow and drove out to the Cotswolds, which is such a beautiful and historic part of England. It's so different, how Englanders drive on the left side of the road. We visited many Cotswold's towns and tasted their fare as well. This is part of what makes traveling so wonderful to me.   After England, we were headed to the Northern U.K. Scotland to see Edinburgh and The Orkne...

My Favorite Season is a Week Away

I'm not writing about autumn / Fall, although that is also around the corner. Rather, I am writing to discuss the myriad of sports that commence within a week or more. All of which I love partially because they take incredible skill and practice to master. While the baseball's regular season comes to a close in September, the year's 4th and final tennis open begins in New York on August 28th. The greatest men's player ever to play the game will compete for his 20th open event championship. Last year, his fellow countrymen Stan Wanwrinka won the event. During this celebration of tennis competition, the first week of College Football begins, and the first week of games in the NFL are 1 week later. This melange of great sports activity is all I could ask for. I can't wait for it all to begin!

The Media - Saving Our Union

It's said that ignorance is bliss . However, that's the same as being proud of walking around with your head in the sand. All your senses are gone. And, this mantra is spreading. I've heard my friend declare, and with enthusiasm, and pride "I don't watch TV or read the newspaper!"  While there is a lot of garbage on TV, it's important to read newspapers and books. How else will you educate yourself?  Increase your vocabulary for goodness sake.  Oh, here are 2 easy ones, listen to podcasts and books on CD. Another statement I recently heard is "I wish the media would stop reporting the U.S. President's tweets."       The job of a journalist / media organization is to report. The President is the one who wrote the information, not the journalist.  Our media isn't going to please everyone, but you shouldn't turn it off completely. Stay informed! You're missing out especially if you're not getting a different perspectiv...