
Showing posts from September, 2017

Apartment Search

What do you look for in your ideal apartment? Is it size? Price? Perhaps, it's proximity to things to do. Well, I am looking for a new place and the reason is I feel stagnant in my current one. It's really spacious but I would trade size for a number of things. 1.  I'd like a newish building. With the recent hurricanes and earthquakes I know my current building would fall apart during a big earthquake. 2.  An elevator or ground floor apartment.  Having the medical condition MERRF is very difficult and I get frustrated that I'm on the 2nd floor and nobody tells me when or if the elevator isn't working. 3.  A decent looking apartment. I do spend a lot of time at home so I need an apartment that looks nice. 4. A garbage disposal and dishwasher. It's quite difficult for me to do fine motor tasks because of this chronic and progressive disease. Now it's your turn. I really would like to know what you look for in your living space...

I Fell and Went to the ER

On Monday September 4th, I was in the bathroom, groggy and my MERRF caused me to fall without putting my hands down. I slammed my head on the floor of my bathroom. Fortunately, I didn't hit my eye or head on the toilet bowl, sink or towel rack.  As I rose to my feet, and looked into the mirror, I noticed a gash on my upper left side of my head. So, I called my father and began to ice it. After icing and applying a cloth to the wound, the bleeding did not stop. Therefore, I called my father back and he drove me to the ER because I didn't know if I had a concussion or not. Though I needed four stitches, I didn't have a concussion. And, the ER said I did not have any restrictions for driving or otherwise. I am a very positive and outgoing person, yet I often wonder how much brain damage do I have.  Over time, I have suffered a few massive head injuries, which were diagnosed as concussions.  Do you have something that you think about often?