
Showing posts from August, 2015

Theme of Blog Change from Philosophical to My Life

As readers of this blog may know by now I have a rare physical medical condition, which has given me a unique perspective to how we live our lives and what I believe is important.  When I reflect, I've realized that I write with the goal of having a conversation. And, I understand that me writing about philosophy, is one sided. I have made the decision to write about my life, and hopefully you will form your own opinions and converse with me.  Right now the major aspects/goals I have are: connecting with a woman, finding a job: while I'm an entrepreneur at heart, I cannot put the energy forth needed to start and run a business, following my love of sports, and remaining active in my physical pursuits. While I write, I hope you will share your thoughts, opinions, goals, and inner thoughts with me. I will not share your information with anyone unless you ask me too. Also, I love to read, watch movies, and learn about new ideas so please share them with me.  Let's start ...

Making Real Change the Name of Your Game

We all want it, say it, talk about doing it, know we have the power to do it, but ultimately, what do we do, we wait.  Yes, I'm talking about making a change in our lives, the kind of change that lasts.  For me, it really hit home while I was in Lake Tahoe this past July.  The birds were chirping, the air was fresh, and I couldn't be happier. And then I began to think, why is this?  Well, as the saying goes, "the early bird gets the worm."  While this might be true for some (I'm in this mix), there are other animals who roam the Tahoe night, though much fewer of them. So how does a human such as myself see more of the day; Go to sleep earlier, right? Well, it's a lot easier said than done. You have to begin with changing your daily and evening habits. Keep a sleep journal and identify what your sleep need is in terms of hours. Next, it's time to define when you do your best work, exercise, reading, relaxing, meditating and so on. The idea here is, once y...