
Showing posts from May, 2015

Vocabulary in Our Inner Dialogue

The term "Bucket List" has been adopted by the general public as things we do before we die. If one kicks the bucket, that means he or she dies. So, how negative is this term? Why would anyone want to be thinking about death? It is probably the top fear we all have.  Let's eliminate it from our vocabulary. My friend mentioned that he wants to drive a Ferrari before he dies. Well, it's on his "bucket list." If I could change his or anyones internal thought process it would be something like this. "I will find an owner of a Ferrari in the next 6 months and find a way to drive the car."  We shouldn't have bucket lists. I also never understand why we want to know what others do for an occupation. To me, it's important to know their interests. Do we have anything in common? A simple smile, hand shake and good eye contact separates those I immediately like from those who aren't worth talking to. A great t-shirt, hat, or haircut will certa...

The Meaning of Questions

All of us seem to have a need for limitless information. If we don't know the answer to a question we immediately go to Google. And, who is the most guilty of this? It's easy for me to jump on the media, and I will. To me, questions should be asked for the sake of acquiring information that is necessary for present or future factual reporting. This includes writing down medications one takes, family members for estate planning, historic questions, and many many more. The problem is, that we all seem to act as experts even if we have no training. I am guilty, as everyone else. For example, why are gossip magazines, meaningless blogs (does mine fall into that cateragory), and countless Online Journals popping up all over the Internet? The object of a question is to get an answer, right? Well, what if you were blatantly lied to all the time? I don't think we could live in such a society as it would create anarchy. On Wednesday of this week I took a fall and face-planted on...