
Showing posts from December, 2014

Define Who You Are Today.

How you define yourself is important to self confidence, character, and your reputation among peers.  So who are you? Often that question will come about at a dinner party, a date, a networking event, or a a party. But, a definition comes in many forms. Some people define themselves by their religion (I am a Christian, Muslim, or Jew), while others may define themselves by their career (a business owner, CEO, company they work for), and others look at their loved ones (husband/father, aunt or uncle etc...) It's important to your confidence, self worth, and general well being to understand who you are. You might be reading this thinking that it's easy to place a definition on something without truly meaning it. So, how does one implement a goal he or she has been wanting to change about themselves.  The answer may be that you do it through habit. Now, what do I mean? First, you define who you need to do. And then take small actions. Looking at athletes and seeing great qual...

Define Your Happiness and Live It.

We hear countless stories of heroism, volunteer workers who love helping the poor, firemen and women, police officers. And, most of these professions do not make a tremendous salary. Therefore, we would have to conclude that they rush into these jobs knowing money is not an over riding factor of success in their careers. To them self sacrifice and the betterment of society is what's at stake. For C level people and others in the corporate world a lot of greenbacks in their bank account lure them into taking a job. And they stay on a career path because money is what makes that person happy, or so they think. The last kind of person I'd like to discuss is the creator, also known as an entrepreneur. Now this person sees a need that the market has not yet met and whether through desire to make money or to better society or maybe for both reasons. The key is to define which type of person you are and to make goals to that end.  For example if you're 18 years old and want to ...